Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Ryanindaswamp / Man In Da Street

Getting Real Wednesday


Mamma Mamma Look At Me
Look What The Marine Corps Did To Me
Made Me Lean And Made Me Strong
Made Me Where I Can Do No Wrong

Semper Fi America
Semper Fi World

Ryan In Da House

Some well due Props and Shout Outs

First Props Out To My Dawg, Gansta Beats.
Many Apologies Man
I hadn't a clue regarding folks printing my stories
on their sites.
A total My Bad.
Write it off to Old Age. Senility.
Walking to the rest room and falling, severely on my head.

Linking is a good thing.
Thank You Very Much Gansta Beats For Your Kindness and
Love for my written word.
Copy and paste away My Man.

To all the people out there in Internet Land, Thank Ya All So very much for Linking me up.

As The World Burns.

A Coward Dies A Thousand Deaths.
A Soldier Only One.

Hunter S. Thompson. 
My Man.
How you so eloquently stated, regarding the television industry;

"Pimps, Thieves, and Whores Roam The Halls Freely While Good Men Die Like Dogs".

Welcome to The Halls Of The United States of America Government.

So Corrupt in their Lying Criminal Practice, The Most Oppressive of countries look at this government in the same light as a husband, who just found out his wife was cheating on him.
To the level of one of the men telling this hapless husband, in detail the sexual acts that he has perpetrated on his wife.
All this poor sap can muster up in thought;
"Shit, Damnnn. I never even thought of doing that with her", as a distinctly clear visual popz into his head.

Is it me America?

IRS targeting Obama's Enemies.


Targeting AP


Potential Eric Holder Perjury 1

ATF 'Fast and Furious' Criminal Gun Running Campaign

Potential Holder Perjury #2

Sebilius Demands Payment

The Pigford Scandal

GSA Gone Wild

Veterans Affair Disney Land

Sebilius Violates The Hatch Act


AKA Lisa Jackson

The New Black Panthers

Waging War All By Myself

Biden Bullies The Press


Sestak, We'll Take Care of You

I'll Pass My Own Laws

The Hacking Of Sharyl Atkissons Computer

An American Political Prisoner

Get Rid Of Inconvenient IGS

Influence Peddling

The Presidents up close Secret Service Personnel Gettin With Colombian Whores.

A Treasonous Act On Every Level.

But Hey.
What Cha All Expect From A Cocaine Addict.

ama Accused of Gay Sex, Drugs, and Murder - YouTube

Ex-Classmate' Claims Obama Traded Gay Sex For Cocaine ...

Barack Obama Was High on Cocaine the Night of Benghazi ...

1. IRS targets Obama’s enemies: The IRS targeted conservative and pro-Israel groups prior to the 2012 election. Questions are being raised about why this occurred, who ordered it, whether there was any White House involvement and whether there was an initial effort to hide who knew about the targeting and when.
2. Benghazi: This is actually three scandals in one:
  • The failure of administration to protect the Benghazi mission.
  • The changes made to the talking points in order to suggest the attack was motivated by an anti-Muslim video
  • The refusal of the White House to say what President Obama did the night of the attack
3. Watching the AP: The Justice Department performed a massive cull of Associated Press reporters’ phone records as part of a leak investigation.
4. Rosengate: The Justice Department suggested that Fox News reporter James Rosen is a criminal for reporting about classified information and subsequently monitored his phones and emails.
5. Potential Holder perjury I: Attorney General Eric Holder told Congress he had never been associated with “potential prosecution” of a journalist for perjury when in fact he signed the affidavit that termed Rosen a potential criminal.
6. The ATF “Fast and Furious” scheme: Allowed weapons from the U.S. to “walk” across the border into the hands of Mexican drug dealers. The ATF lost track of hundreds of firearms, many of which were used in crimes, including the December 2010 killing of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.
7. Potential Holder Perjury II: Holder told Congress in May 2011 that he had just recently heard about the Fast and Furious gun walking scheme when there is evidence he may have known much earlier.
8. Sebelius demands payment: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius solicited donations from companies HHS might regulate. The money would be used to help her sign up uninsured Americans for ObamaCare.
9. The Pigford scandal: An Agriculture Department effort that started as an attempt to compensate black farmers who had been discriminated against by the agency but evolved into a gravy train delivering several billion dollars in cash to thousands of additional minority and female farmers who probably didn’t face discrimination.
10. GSA gone wild: The General Services Administration in 2010 held an $823,000 training conference in Las Vegas, featuring a clown and a mind readers. Resulted in the resignation of the GSA administrator.
11. Veterans Affairs in Disney World: The agency wasted more than $6 million on two conferences in Orlando. An assistant secretary was fired.
12. Sebelius violates the Hatch Act: A U.S. special counsel determined that Sebelius violated the Hatch Act when she made “extemporaneous partisan remarks” during a speech in her official capacity last year. During the remarks, Sebelius called for the election of the Democratic candidate for governor of North Carolina.
13. Solyndra: Republicans charged the Obama administration funded and promoted its poster boy for green energy despite warning signs the company was headed for bankruptcy. The administration also allegedly pressed Solyndra to delay layoff announcements until after the 2010 midterm elections.
14. AKA Lisa Jackson: Former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson used the name “Richard Windsor” when corresponding by email with other government officials, drawing charges she was trying to evade scrutiny.
15. The New Black Panthers: The Justice Department was accused of using a racial double standard in failing to pursue a voter intimidation case against Black Panthers who appeared to be menacing voters at a polling place in 2008 in Philadelphia.
16. Waging war all by myself: Obama may have violated the Constitution and both the letter and the spirit of the War Powers Resolution by attacking Libya without Congressional approval.
17. Biden bullies the press: Vice President Biden’s office has repeatedly interfered with coverage, including forcing a reporter to wait in a closet, making a reporter delete photos, and editing pool reports.
18. AKPD not A-OK: The administration paid millions to the former firm of then-White House adviser David Axelrod, AKPD Message and Media, to promote passage of Obamacare. Some questioned whether the firm was hired to help pay Axelrod $2 million AKPD owed him.
19. Sestak, we’ll take care of you: Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel used Bill Clinton as an intermediary to probe whether former Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) would accept a prominent, unpaid White House advisory position in exchange for dropping out of the 2010 primary against former Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.).
20. I’ll pass my own laws: Obama has repeatedly been accused of making end runs around Congress by deciding which laws to enforce, including the decision not to deport illegal immigrants who may have been allowed to stay in the United States had Congress passed the “Dream Act.”
21. The hacking of Sharyl Attkisson’s computer: It’s not clear who hacked the CBS reporter’s computer as she investigated the Benghazi scandal, but the Obama administration and its allies had both the motive and the means to do it.
22. An American Political Prisoner: The sudden decision to arrest Nakoula Basseley Nakoula on unrelated charges after protests in the Arab world over his anti-Muslim video is an extraordinarily suspicious coincidence. “We’re going to go out and we’re going to prosecute the person that made that video,” Hillary Clinton allegedly told the father of one of the ex-SEALs killed in Banghazi.
23. Get rid of inconvenient IGs: Corporation for National and Community Service Inspector General Gerald Walpin was fired in 2009 as he fought wasteful spending and investigated a friend of Obama’s, Sacramento Mayor and former NBA player Kevin Johnson. The White House says Walpin was incompetent.
24. Influence peddling: An investigation is underway of Alejandro Mayorkas, director of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, who has been nominated by Obama for the number two post at the Department of Homeland Security. Mayorkas may have used his position to unfairly obtain U.S. visas for foreign investors in company run by Hillary Clinton’s brother, Anthony Rodman.

Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder? Hardcover


Trust Me America.
I Can't Even Make Dis Shit Up.

So America.

Stand In Line.
Take your pick.
Akin to running down the street after a rear door malfunction on a Brinks truck.
Cabbage taking flight all up and down the street.
Get Some.

The New American Way.
A to Z Protocol of Lies and Thighs.

Lie After Lie.
After Lie.
After Lie.
After Lie.

Fraud would be a Cyclopean upgrade.

6 Years of Number Fudging on... Every Fuckin Thing.

The entire list of Dirt Perpetrated on us, "We The People" is seemingly endless.

And for Golden Lying Boy Barry Barak, not even a slap on the wrist.

White Guilt America.

Hows all that working out for you America.


Lead and controlled by Bill Ayers.
Cop Killer.
Military Installation Bomber
Federal Building Bomber
Police Station Bomber
In All, 19 Bombings On Da Grid For This Self Proclaimed COMMUNIST TERRORIST.

Ayers, The Cowardly, Small  Dick White Boy, Ass Hole stated, Very Clearly;

Ayers The Coward Ass Hole went on to claim that, hey, fuck Ya All, I am a Free man.

Now factor into this Satanic Mix, the Dramatic Rise of Antisemitism In America and The World.
In Europe, Russia and Germany are leading the Antisemitism Band Wagon.
What Else Is New.

Ya All A Bunch of Candy Ass Bitches.
Fuck You.

Your President sat in the Anti Semetic, Jew Hating,  Church of Reverend Jeremiah Wright.
For a short period of time.
Only 21 years.
Say you didn't hear a word of THE HATE.

Lying Drug Addict, Drug Pushing, Gay Boy.

Yeah Faggot.

Didn't hear any of Mr. Dickless Pussy Ass Bitch, Louis Farrakhan' Hate against The Jews either.
Really Mr. President.
Time to Hit Up Your Boy, Reggie Love for another 8-Ball.

Cause I gotta tell you America, if Jew Hating was Dollar Bills, This President, Barry Satoro/Barack Obama and all his Commie Friends would be Bustillionaires.

See America, this presidents dreams have more than come to fruition.
Welcome Aboard;


How The Fuck Is That For 'Fundamental Transformation'.
Good Job. Commie Bitch.
Fuck All Your Hoe Mammas.

For Sure.
You seeing what you seeing Martha.

And America, here you are.

'Just Gettin High, Watching Time Fly By In L.A.'.

How many times have I heard that the GOP are nothing but Old White Men.
(I will say that the GOP still, on a collective level can not find their ass in the Men's room stall).

Maybe I was Warp Deep in a Aesthetic Sleep Trance brought on by the endless, mindless drone of the hapless American, Bought and Sold Media.

For was it not Old White Men that put together this thing called America?

Was it not Old White Hair Black Men, that risked everything regarding life, to make sure that slaves passed without resistance through the tunnel's leading from enslavement and darkness into the BRIGHT LIGHT Of FREEDOM?

No Uncle Tom's here Slappy.
Just Americans, who gave it all to be a part of the best thing EVER going on this rock called Earth.

Immigrant Chinese.
Building the railroads out west.
Taking on any type of job they could find as laborers, Assimilating, Prospering, Blooming forth from the radiant rays of Freedom.

Immigrant Irish.
'White Niggers'.
Taking any and all form of work to raise their families and find their slice of this pie called Freedom.

The Mexicans.
Who will harvest our produce here in America, decade after decade after decade.
My Mexican Brothers and Sisters.
Strong Backs.
Strong Minds.
Family Orientated.
Literally, working their ass' off. What Ever it takes.
Grasping at that slice of Freedom.

The Haitians.
Washing up on Miami Shores in less than 6 by 5 foot pieces of Plywood, labeled by the press;  
Floatation Device's.
Some How.
Just Lucky enough to stay in America a minute while putting together 4 to 5 jobs a day.
Just for that slim slice of The Pie.
Thanks Much. 
We'll take it from here.

The Jews.
Lips completely stretched over their heads, engulfing their just by the thinnest strand of life allowed and left in their emaciated bodies to walk that final stretch off Ellis Island to a new life and promise of The American Dream.

The Cubans.
Literally Fleeing for their lives from a COMMUNIST Dictated Country.
So Brutal.
So Violent.
So Criminal.
While still today over 200 so called dissidents sit in prison going back to the early 1950's.
That risking one's life for that 90 mile trek across the Florida Straights in vessels that at first glance looked anything but floatable.
Just A Chance.
Just one Chance.

None of this life defying realty has one damn, fuckin thing to do with Political Parties, Ideological Idiots, Religion, Dogma, any 'ISM'S'  or any other cock a mannie systematic cluster fuck.

This has to do with Americans.
'We The People'.
ONE and ALL.

Sisters and Brothers of The United States of America, standing Tall and Strong, Together for Freedom and Justice For All.

To Honor.
To Cherish.
To Uphold.
The very Foundation called America.
For my Sisters and Brothers.
Together We Stand.
United We Fall.

Say Dis Ain't Your Thang.
Tell It To Sweeney Walkin.
You either on da bus or you are stuck back at the terminal.

American Journalists.

Your Mammas send you out here to NOT DO YOUR JOBS.

To Completely and Utterly disregard REAL NEWZ, to instead report on Utah Spider Ants legacy now in jeopardy due to Cows Pissing on their heads or some other far flung, no one gives two shitz or three fast flyin fucks about the utterly, no substance reporting you all are known for.
Stories that are fueled and payed for by the Bought and Sold Commies In Charge.
Ya All wouldn't know the Truth if it bit you in the ass.

The Astoundingly Clear Truth of A CRIMINAL AMERICAN GOVERNMENT that is DESTROYING this Country on a second to second daily basis.
America Bought and Sold Journalists.
Room Number 7 Bitches.

For it is The Seed of  Journalism, that over time conditioning that drives the Journalist Heart Beat to The Path of The TRUTH.
At All Costs.

For it is The Journalistic Drive that disables the switch that propells one to turn their backs and even worse, accept MONEY FOR THE LIES and INEQUITIES of THE BOUGHT and SOLD.

It is The Journalistic Mach Thrust of that Tiny, Tiny Seed that sprouts and grows into Dedication, Honor and Deep Routed Integrity jack hammered into the Truth and Facts of The Story.

The America IRS more powerful on a governmental level than that of Nazi Germany' Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsfuhrers-SS.

All that said.

Thanks and Props Out To Fox Newz.
Ya All Got Up On It.
I Sincerely Thank Ya All for doing your job'.
Stay Da Fuck Up On It.
Keep Your Hands Firmly Around The Criminals Throat.

Regarding Benghazi.
When the fruit of this CRIMINAL TREASON blooms to completion, you will see that a quick Response Team was in FACT COORDINATED IN REAL TIME FROM GENERAL CARTER HAM TO REAR ADMIRAL CHARLES GAOUETTE.

As well, it will then be absolutely, crystal clear for the real reasons General Ham and Rear Admiral Gaouette were relieved of duty.
That a Quick Response Team Off The Admiral' Carrier was in fact a DONE DEAL.

That IN FACT, the second time General Carter Ham was told to stand down, his exact words were;
"Fuck That".

A Done Deal, Good To Go. 


Mr. President.
Madam Secretary.

Ya All Guilty Murderers.

In Country, Benghazi. 
Ground Operatives, Begged and Begged For More Ground Support.
Who Would Know Better For Close To A Year, Regarding On The Ground Security Then The Actual On The Ground Operatives.

The following article is what grabbed my attention that day.
This was the start to The Slaughter At Benghazi.

Funny thing, Ya think.
That, in That One Particular Day, two of our military's highest ranking Officers are relieved of duty within the same hour?
Within The Same Coordinates.

You are surely fuckin shittin me.

Navy Replaces Admiral Leading Mideast Strike Group Because of Ongoing Investigation

Oct 27, 2012 8:27pm
In an unusual move, the Navy has replaced an admiral commanding an aircraft carrier strike group while it is deployed to the Middle East.  The replacement was prompted by an Inspector General’s investigation of allegations of inappropriate leadership judgment.
Rear Adm. Charles M. Gaouette, the commander of the USS John C. Stennis strike group, is being returned to the United States for temporary reassignment.
In a statement the Navy said it had approved a request made by Vice Adm. John W. Miller, the Commander of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command, to temporarily reassign Gaouette  “pending the results of an investigation by the Navy Inspector General.”
The statement said Gaoutte would return to the carrier’s home port of Bremerton, Washington.
A Navy official familiar with the circumstances of the investigation said it involved allegations of “inappropriate leadership judgment” and stressed it was not related to personal conduct.
The Stennis group arrived in the Fifth Fleet’s area of operations on Oct. 17 to replace the USS Enterprise, which was on the final deployment of its 50 years of service.   The allegations are recent and were made within the last couple of weeks.
The Stennis returned to Bremerton in March from a seven-month deployment to the Middle East.  In July the Pentagon ordered the carrier to deploy in August — four months ahead of schedule — so a two-carrier presence could be maintained in the Middle East after the Enterprise finished its deployment.   The other carrier strike group currently operating in the Fifth Fleet is the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Gaouette’s Chief of Staff, Capt. William C. Minter, will lead the strike group until Rear Adm. Troy M. Shoemaker arrives to take command “until the matter is resolved.”

© 2012
What are the odds on this happening? Two flag officers, operating in the same theater (Mideast area) both relieved or reassigned within a matter of days.
Highly-respected Army Gen. Carter Ham, boss at Africa Command the past 18 months, suddenly is brought home after rumors he was outraged when his offer to send in a reaction team to save the besieged Americans at Benghazi was turned down. There are reports that the general had a rapid response team all set to go, but was ordered to "stand down."

Sources say the general said "to hell with that" and insisted the rescue attempt be tried. Within two minutes of the order, it is said the general was apprehended and his second-in-command officially relieved him of command.

We might add here, that Obama suck-up, that wretched little gnome, Gen. Martin Dempsey, who is Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has officially denied that report, claiming that Ham was on board with the Pentagon in deciding "against sending in U.S. forces" to attempt a rescue of the Americans in the beleaguered Benghazi compound.
If that wasn't indication of possible dissension at high levels, Navy Rear Admiral, former commander of the USS John Stennis Strike Group, Rear Admiral Charles Gaouette was mysteriously relieved of duty, and all the brass will say is he is "under investigation" for, get this, "inappropriate leadership judgment."
Just another way of saying that the admiral dared differ with the Administration's Libya policy and perhaps openly defied Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. It'll be interesting to see if the good admiral is court-martialed and if his trial would be open to the news media.

Other than the Fox News Channel, the MSM ("mainstream media") are so far "in the tank" for their hero Obama, his re-election so important to them, the Benghazi lies and cover-up will be downplayed and/or ignored.

The YouTube anti-Muslim video excuse and cover-story has already been exposed for a fraud, but CNN, the Washington POST and New York TIMES have yet to ask the President any embarrassing questions.
We can't help but recall 1980, when another unpopular President, Jimmy Carter, tried a "Hail Mary" pass to defeat Ronald Reagan in the general election that year. Some of you will remember eight American officers and men lost their lives in a failed rescue attempt of our Iran Embassy hostages in Tehran.
A helicopter from a U.S. aircraft carrier collided with a Delta Force C-130 cargo plane, and both went up in a fireball in the desert.

Ironically, an Air Force AC-130 Spectre gunship was less than two hours away from Benghazi and could have been sent to provide suppression fire for the besieged Americans. But like other reinforcements that could have been sent in, the order came from on high to "stand down."

One can imagine Obama, desperate to defeat Romney on Nov. 6th, didn't want to risk a similar fiasco as Carter suffered.. But was that reason enough to write off four American lives, including that of our ambassador to Libya? We think not.

The grieving father of dead American hero and former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods agrees.

Describing his son's memorial service, Wood's dad said Obama told him he was sorry "in a whiney, insincere voice" and " couldn't look me in the eye."

Any wonder why?


The following article, from a British Newz Paper that day prompted me to write that dayz blog.
This blog has, along with 325 other blogs, vanished into the thin.

Chained to a bed in one of Mexico's most notorious prisons: First picture of U.S. Marine jailed for four months after carrying antique gun across border

  • The email with the photo was sent anonymously to John Hammar's mother from a account
  • Hammar, 27, was arrested in August for carrying an antique rifle that had belonged to his great-grandfather
  • Hammar, a Marine, had served in Iraq and Afghanistan
  • He was suffering from PTSD after the death of a fellow Marine in Fallujah
  • His parents have appealed to Florida lawmakers, who are asking for the State Department to get involved
The first photo of Marine Veteran Jon Hammar, held captive in one of Mexico’s most infamous prisons for four months, has been released to the public.
The photo shows Hammar, 27, in a solitary cell inside Matamoros state prison in Tamaulipas, shirtless, barefoot and chained by handcuffs around his right ankle.
He was photographed sitting on an thin mattress with a red blanket in a room with chipped walls and a squalid floor. He does not appear to have any visible injuries.
Scroll down for video
Going home: Marine Jon Hammar, pictured from his Mexican jail cell with shackles on his leg, is returning to the U.S.
Going home: Ex-Marine Jon Hammar, pictured from his Mexican jail cell with shackles on his leg, returned to the U.S. last month
The email containing the photo was sent anonymously to Hammar's mother from a account.
‘His eyes look a little lost,’ his mother, Olivia Hammar, told Fox News Latino. ‘It doesn't look like him. I feel like my blood pressure is through the roof.’
An summer surfing trip turned into a nightmare for Hammar, who was arrested and thrown into the northeastern Mexico prison where he was subjected to death threats.
Trapped: Marine Jon Hammer has been stuck in a Mexican jail since August, when he was detained on a weapons charge
Trapped: Marine Jon Hammer has been stuck in a Mexican jail since August, when he was detained on a weapons charge
Now, four months after his arrest, his family in South Florida is still fighting to get him back.
Hammar and a friend were on their way to Costa Rica in August and planned to drive across the Mexican border near Matamoros in a Winnebago filled with surfboards and camping gear.
Hammar asked U.S. border agents what to do with an unloaded shotgun, which his family said belonged to his great-grandfather.
'They examined it, they weighed it, they said you have to fill out this form,' his father, also named Jon, told The Associated Press in a phone interview on Tuesday, December 11.
But when Hammar and his friend crossed the border and handed the paperwork to Mexican officials, they impounded the RV and jailed the two men, saying it was illegal to carry that type of gun - which they deemed to be an inch too short.
Hammar's friend was later released because the gun did not belong to him.
The Hammar family's attorney Eddie Varon-Levy said Mexican law prohibits civilians from carrying certain types of guns, like sawed-off shotguns, which can be more easily concealed.
Mexican law prohibits shotguns with a barrel of less than 25 inches.
Varon-Levy said Mexican officials measured the barrel on Hammar's shotgun as 24 inches and that it has not been sawed off.
Family members said the gun was purchased at Sears and blamed U.S. officials for telling Hammar he could bring it across the border in the first place.
Hero: Hammar was a combat veteran who had been treated for PTSD just before his arrest in Mexico
Hero: Hammar was a combat veteran who had been treated for PTSD just before his arrest in Mexico

Jon Hammar Sr
Olivia Hammar
Distraught family: Hammar's parents Jon and Olivia Hammar, are now fighting for their son's safe return from Mexico

Varon-Levy also questioned the way Mexican officials measured the gun, because the measurements can differ depending on where they are taken on the barrel.
He said dealing with Mexican authorities has also been difficult. He said Hammar was brought to court a few weeks ago, where officials tried to convince him to plead guilty without a lawyer present. 
Varon-Levy said he didn't show up because he was told there was a continuance.
'I am fuming,' he said.
Hammar could face 12 years in prison, but Varon-Levy said that is unlikely.
He wants to get the charges downgraded, in hopes that Hammar can plead guilty to a lesser charge of carrying an unregistered weapon, which carries only a fine.
Hammar served in Iraq and Afghanistan before being honorably discharged from the Marines in 2007.
His mother said surfing helped him cope after he was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.
Hammar developed PTSD following the death of a fellow Marine who was killed by a sniper's bullet when the two served together in Fallujah, Iraq.
He had just completed treatment at a center for veterans in California last year, before getting detained during his misadventure in Matamoros.
Weapon in question: Hammar had his great-grandfather's antique rifle inspected at the border, but he was arrested for carrying it anyway
Weapon in question: Hammar had his great-grandfather's antique rifle inspected at the border, but he was arrested for carrying it anyway
Ricardo Alday, spokesman for the Mexican Embassy, said in a statement: 'Mexican authorities have fully guaranteed his right to Consular assistance; therefore Mr Hammar has been in contact with U.S. Consular officers in Mexico who have regularly visited him.
'The possession of any weapon restricted for the use of the Army in Mexico is a Federal crime, regardless of whether you declare it or not upon entering the country, and must be automatically prosecuted.'
Alday said Harmmar has the right to defense counsel and a fair trial 'as any other detainee facing criminal charges.
'In addition, his life and integrity are protected by national and international laws.'
In danger: Hammar is periodically shackled to his bed in a cell by himself and subjected to death threats and extortion demands from cartel gangsters
In danger: Hammar is periodically shackled to his bed in a cell by himself and subjected to death threats and extortion demands from cartel gangsters
Still, Hammar is being held in one of the most dangerous areas in Mexico.
Matamoros is the active headquarters of the Gulf Cartel, which has been fighting with its former running drug routes along the eastern end of the Texas-Mexico border.
A fight among inmates at the prison in October 2011 left 20 dead and 12 injured.
When first arrested Hammar was held with the prison's general population, which is filled mostly with members of drug cartels.
Now, the 27-year-old marine veteran is periodically shackled to his bed in a cell by himself and subjected to death threats and extortion demands from cartel gangsters, according to his father.
The two occasionally speak to one another over the phone.
'Sometimes he's got his head on good. We're like just, "Hang in there. We're doing everything we can,"' said Jon Hammar Senior, a 48-year-old software engineer.
'Other days, it's like, it's not as good,'
In August, the family received a frightening middle of the night phone call from the cartel demanding money, Jon Hammar Senior said.
'"Lady, this isn't about the police. This is our house. We have your son. We're going to kill him if you don't send us money,"' Jon Hammar Senior said, recounting the phone call.
The couple planned to wire the money to an account, but officials at the U.S. consulate intervened and contacted prison officials.
His son was moved into a private cell the next day, he said.
Peter Velasco, a spokesman for the State Department, said officials have visited Hammar three times, spoken with him by phone and contacted prison officials to stop them from chaining him to the bed.
'The safety and well-being of U.S. citizens is something we take very seriously,' said Velasco.
U.S. Senator Bill Nelson, a Florida Democrat, spoke on the Senate floor Tuesday, December 11, asking Mexican authorities to release Hammar.
Jailed: Hammar was taken into custody right after crossing the border from Brownsivlle, Texas, and is now being held at a prison in Matamoros
Jailed: Hammar was taken into custody right after crossing the border from Brownsivlle, Texas, and is now being held at a prison in Matamoros
U.S. Rep Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, of Florida, said: 'This is just an outrageous case.'
She was contacted by Hammar's mother Olivia, who asked the Republican congresswoman for help.
She added: 'If the parents had not told me about it, and his friends had not gotten involved, I would say that it was just not possible for someone to be in so much trouble for doing the right thing.'
Ros-Lehtinen also urged the State Department to work incessantly to reunite Hammar with his family and said she's disappointed the agency has not told her what efforts have been made.
The Miami Republican said she plans to contact the Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Patrol about Hammar's arrest.
'The Hammar family has suffered a great deal since their son's unjust incarceration in August and the details they have provided to my office are gripping and a clear abuse of Jon's human rights,' she said in a statement.
Supporters set up a Facebook page Free Jon Hammar, which now has over 6,500 supporters.

 I ended that blog, that day with;

Mr. President
Madam Secretary of State. 
If Ya All Wanted, This Brave and Courageous Marine would have been out of a Mexihell Prison 4 Months ago.
Not Still Chained To A Cot Like A Rabid Dog.


My Message To Ya All Mr. President, Madam Secretary.
"Find Your Fuckin Balls.
Get My Marine Released".

I Shout That Same Message Today.

The fact that Mexico, this Shit Hole of All Shit Holes, are concerned about weapons, gunz in their country.

Ya All Surely Shittin Me.

I wrote a blog the day I received the following pictures from Da Swamp' Roving Reporter.
Latitia, I mean 'Tish'.


Example:   [Collected via e-mail, August 2010]

Just received an e-mail reporting that a huge arsenal was just located on the Arizona border along with many grenades, rocket launchers, hand guns, large SUVs full of weapons etc.

This seizure was five days ago. Located on the Arizona border!

Exactly where did you hear about it in OUR media ????? Thank God for the border patrol that this did not come over the border. There is one "graphic picture" but it tells the story Let's quit trying to decide who is violating our federal laws "to make a better life" — and ENFORCE the laws across the board on EVERYONE violating them - Nothing discriminatory about that amigos !!!!!!!

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

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Origins:   These photographs showing a large cache of weapons confiscated in a wooded area are genuine, but they weren't taken anywhere near the Arizona border, and the U.S. Border Patrol had nothing to do with the discovery or seizure of the pictued weapons.

As indicated by the Spanish-language captions on some of these photos (and confirmed in a television news report and an article by the Mexican news agency Acencia Reforma), the pictures displayed above document a weapons cache which included more than rifles, grenades, grenade launchers, machine guns, rocket launchers, and hundreds of cartridges (as well as a dozen trucks containing "military and police accessories") that was seized by the Mexican army in May 2010 during a raid on a makeshift camp used by a drug-smuggling crime ring in Higueras:


Following are the pictures Latitia (I mean Tish) e-mailed to me that day.

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This Little Scenario took place 40 miles inside Mexico right down from the Arizona Border.  

Example:   [Collected via e-mail, August 2010]

Just received an e-mail reporting that a huge arsenal was just located on the Arizona border along with many grenades, rocket launchers, hand guns, large SUVs full of weapons etc.

This seizure was five days ago. Located on the Arizona border!

Exactly where did you hear about it in OUR media ????? Thank God for the border patrol that this did not come over the border. There is one "graphic picture" but it tells the story Let's quit trying to decide who is violating our federal laws "to make a better life" — and ENFORCE the laws across the board on EVERYONE violating them - Nothing discriminatory about that amigos !!!!!!!

Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge

Origins:   These photographs showing a large cache of weapons confiscated in a wooded area are genuine, but they weren't taken anywhere near the Arizona border, and the U.S. Border Patrol had nothing to do with the discovery or seizure of the pictued weapons.

As indicated by the Spanish-language captions on some of these photos (and confirmed in a television news report and an article by the Mexican news agency Acencia Reforma), the pictures displayed above document a weapons cache which included more than rifles, grenades, grenade launchers, machine guns, rocket launchers, and hundreds of cartridges (as well as a dozen trucks containing "military and police accessories") that was seized by the Mexican army in May 2010 during a raid on a makeshift camp used by a drug-smuggling crime ring in Higueras:



Example:   [Collected via e-mail, August 2010]

Just received an e-mail reporting that a huge arsenal was just located on the Arizona border along with many grenades, rocket launchers, hand guns, large SUVs full of weapons etc.

This seizure was five days ago. Located on the Arizona border!

Exactly where did you hear about it in OUR media ????? Thank God for the border patrol that this did not come over the border. There is one "graphic picture" but it tells the story Let's quit trying to decide who is violating our federal laws "to make a better life" — and ENFORCE the laws across the board on EVERYONE violating them - Nothing discriminatory about that amigos !!!!!!!

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Origins:   These photographs showing a large cache of weapons confiscated in a wooded area are genuine, but they weren't taken anywhere near the Arizona border, and the U.S. Border Patrol had nothing to do with the discovery or seizure of the pictued weapons.

As indicated by the Spanish-language captions on some of these photos (and confirmed in a television news report and an article by the Mexican news agency Acencia Reforma), the pictures displayed above document a weapons cache which included more than rifles, grenades, grenade launchers, machine guns, rocket launchers, and hundreds of cartridges (as well as a dozen trucks containing "military and police accessories") that was seized by the Mexican army in May 2010 during a raid on a makeshift camp used by a drug-smuggling crime ring in Higueras:

So,  Corrupt, Filthy, Dirty Mexican Government.
What you are telling me is that Two American Marines, schlepping a few rifles, got lost and ended up in your Corrupt Cesspool of a 3rd World Country.

That your major concern is that these two American Heroes, holding less than several fire arms are worth locking up in your MexiHell Prison.

But Hey. 
No Problem.
The above cache of weapons is all the fuck right.

The reason I am Not At All Surprised regarding this Criminal Fact Is That The Mexican Drug Cartel  and The Mexican Government are more than in bed with each other.
America Along For The Ride.
I Know This For A FACT.
As well, I am aware that the above statement will surely get me smoked.
Oh Well.
Fuck You.

There Ya have it America.
Wipe The Crap Out Of Your Eyes.
Wake The Fuck Up.


It all rolls down hill.
Mr. President.

Who are the liars.
The White House.
The CIA.

Oh my, oh my.
Who Do I Believe.
A Lying Administration Polluted with Gangsters and Criminals. 
Top To Bottom.
Side To Side.
The CIA.

An Agency That Has An Incredibly Hard Job Do.
Just What They Need.
Some Criminal, Communist, Assholes Bringing Dirt Down On Them.

Committee This.

Committee That.

Here Is My Favorite Committee.

The Ittey Bitty Titty Committee.
Trust Me.
These Galz Ain't Playin.

For Real. 
Not For Fake.

Just Get These Lying, Criminal, American Terroristical Communists The Hell Out Of My America.
Bring Em Down.

Employees of "We The People".
Ya All Fired. 
Fuck You and any Compensation or UN-Employment Benefits.

Oh Yeah.
Seemingly, someone does care about dirt poor Black African Kidz.
God Bless Ya All and For Sure Thank You Lord.
Yo Compton.
There might still be a chance in hell for Ya All.

Boko Haram.
Has Slaughtered, Mainly, Women and Children to the tune of 10,000 between 2002 and 2014.

I first penned regarding Boko Haram back in 2013, May.

It was on a Sunday, at a Star Bucks here in town after my work shift.
That day reported that the previous night Boko Haram Slaughtered 130 Children In Their Sleep At A Christian School.

Thanks American Media For Finally Catching The Fuck Up.

I stated that day what I will again state today.

President Obama.


Tell me the difference between these Muslim Brother Hood Associate's, Boko Haram and The Muslim Brother Hood Staff that Makes Up Your Elite Advisory Army, Controlled and Guided By Iranian Born and Raised In Iran Up Until The Age Of  5 Years Old, Valery Jarret.
Who Daily Is On The Phone With Iran's Ayatollah.

The Same Valery Jarret That Is Push, Push, Pushing For An Iranian Ambassadorship to the UN Of An Iranian Terrorist.

So Barack.
These Be The Same Muslim Brother Hood Or Quite Possibly The Nicer, Friendlier  Muslim Brother Hood Employed In "We The Peoples" House.
Which is it Mr. Commie Muslim President?

In closing.

When I watch and listen to the Left Wing Newz Idiots.
I am Kat 10 Hurricane Thrusted, Warp Speed, throw back vapor trail slide to Santa Monica Beach when I was 15 years old.

I am hearing transported Valley Girlz dancing The Bubble Head Blond Beat.
Every word out of their Beat Blond Faces Harmonizing in Crescendo, bringing me to that place of just wanting to shoot myself in the face frenzy.


Like Ahhh.
Ya Know Dude?

Their Male Counter Parts Come off to me as Professional Fast Talkers Switching Gears Faster Than A 21 Speed PeterBuilt Rollin Down a Steep Mountain Incline.

In either case.
At that particular point.
Cornea Napalm Injections are my only resolve.

Ryan. Out.

My Bad.
One Last Shout Out.
Lord Have Mercy.
How Did I Possibly Miss A Shout Out To Ya All.

Dick Less Government Hackers.
Fuck You And Your Hoe Mammas.

Todayz Poll.

Does The Author Give You, The Reader Any Reason What So Ever To Comment

Yes    No

Let Me Know.
I'll Be Holding My Breath.
Starting... NOW.

Just received an e-mail reporting that a huge arsenal was just located on the Arizona border along with many grenades, rocket launchers, hand guns, large SUVs full of weapons etc.

This seizure was five days ago. Located on the Arizona border!

Exactly where did you hear about it in OUR media ????? Thank God for the border patrol that this did not come over the border. There is one "graphic picture" but it tells the story Let's quit trying to decide who is violating our federal laws "to make a better life" — and ENFORCE the laws across the board on EVERYONE violating them - Nothing discriminatory about that amigos !!!!!!!

Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge

Origins:   These photographs showing a large cache of weapons confiscated in a wooded area are genuine, but they weren't taken anywhere near the Arizona border, and the U.S. Border Patrol had nothing to do with the discovery or seizure of the pictued weapons.

As indicated by the Spanish-language captions on some of these photos (and confirmed in a television news report and an article by the Mexican news agency Acencia Reforma), the pictures displayed above document a weapons cache which included more than rifles, grenades, grenade launchers, machine guns, rocket launchers, and hundreds of cartridges (as well as a dozen trucks containing "military and police accessories") that was seized by the Mexican army in
May 2010 during a raid on a makeshift camp used by a drug-smuggling crime ring in Higueras:

Newsweek reported that the captured weapons were part of a major training camp run by the notorious Zetas drug cartel, and that all of the weapons were believed to have been purchased in the United States:
The Mexican military has discovered a major training camp run by the notorious Zetas drug cartel and stocked with an arsenal of military weapons, including 140 semi automatic assault rifles and 10,000 rounds of ammunition — all of them believed to be purchased in the United States, U.S. law enforcement officials said.

Mexican officials have said the training camp was being run by Los Zetas, a ruthless paramilitary army of drug traffickers that was originally founded by renegade operatives of the Mexican special forces. The group is believed to have played a major part in the wave of violence that has killed 22,000 people since President Calderon declared war on the cartels in Dec. 2006. The arsenal was captured after the camp was invaded by Mexican Air Force helicopters and soldiers in land vehicles, sending about 50 Zeta operatives fleeing. Most of them, having been tipped off by the noise of the choppers, managed to escape into the mountainous area near the camp.

According to a U.S. law enforcement officer familiar with internal U.S. reporting on the raid, the items recovered by the Mexican military at the camp included 32 rifle grenades, four grenade launchers, 80 AR-15 assault rifles, 60 AK-47 assault rifles, one anti-tank launcher, 10,000 rounds of ammunition, 13,000 cartridge magazines, as well as body armor and two way radios. Although the rifle grenades and grenade launchers likely came from old military stocks in Guatemala or elsewhere in Central America, the official says, an initial inspection of the assault rifles’ markings suggests they all were purchased in the United States.
As a correspondent from Monterrey, Mexico, told us in reference to these images:
Higueras is a small town in Nuevo Leon, about 400 miles from Monterrey and 70 miles south of the Texas-Mexico border. As you all know there is a drug war going on between the two main cartels, with them fighting each other and the Mexican Army fighting both of them. The Higueras raid was one of the biggest seizures of firearms in recent years, including about 50,000 usable assault rifle cartridges and around 500 rifles, mostly AR-15s and AK-47s, as well as grenade launchers, hand grenades, uniforms, emblems, and four stolen trucks.

The war is bloody and heavy. The cartels don't have more than 1,000 guys, 2000 at the very most, but as they are armed LIKE THIS. It is a war that will cost many lives, but Mexican authorities don't want to admit this is a guerrilla-style war, and history has taught us how much it takes to bring down an enemy that hits hard and hides.
Despite what is stated in the text that accompanies these photographs, the pictured weapons were not seized anywhere near the Arizona border. The raid took place in Higueras, which is in the northeastern Mexican state of Nuevo León, a state that has no border in common with Arizona. Nuevo León is completely within the country of Mexico save for a 9-mile strip along its northern border adjacent to Texas, and Higueras is well south of that border, which puts the site of the raid several hundred miles southeast of the Arizona-Mexico border. Last updated:   18 August 2010
Just received an e-mail reporting that a huge arsenal was just located on the Arizona border along with many grenades, rocket launchers, hand guns, large SUVs full of weapons etc.

This seizure was five days ago. Located on the Arizona border!

Exactly where did you hear about it in OUR media ????? Thank God for the border patrol that this did not come over the border. There is one "graphic picture" but it tells the story Let's quit trying to decide who is violating our federal laws "to make a better life" — and ENFORCE the laws across the board on EVERYONE violating them - Nothing discriminatory about that amigos !!!!!!!

Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge

Origins:   These photographs showing a large cache of weapons confiscated in a wooded area are genuine, but they weren't taken anywhere near the Arizona border, and the U.S. Border Patrol had nothing to do with the discovery or seizure of the pictued weapons.

As indicated by the Spanish-language captions on some of these photos (and confirmed in a television news report and an article by the Mexican news agency Acencia Reforma), the pictures displayed above document a weapons cache which included more than rifles, grenades, grenade launchers, machine guns, rocket launchers, and hundreds of cartridges (as well as a dozen trucks containing "military and police accessories") that was seized by the Mexican army in
May 2010 during a raid on a makeshift camp used by a drug-smuggling crime ring in Higueras:

Newsweek reported that the captured weapons were part of a major training camp run by the notorious Zetas drug cartel, and that all of the weapons were believed to have been purchased in the United States:
The Mexican military has discovered a major training camp run by the notorious Zetas drug cartel and stocked with an arsenal of military weapons, including 140 semi automatic assault rifles and 10,000 rounds of ammunition — all of them believed to be purchased in the United States, U.S. law enforcement officials said.

Mexican officials have said the training camp was being run by Los Zetas, a ruthless paramilitary army of drug traffickers that was originally founded by renegade operatives of the Mexican special forces. The group is believed to have played a major part in the wave of violence that has killed 22,000 people since President Calderon declared war on the cartels in Dec. 2006. The arsenal was captured after the camp was invaded by Mexican Air Force helicopters and soldiers in land vehicles, sending about 50 Zeta operatives fleeing. Most of them, having been tipped off by the noise of the choppers, managed to escape into the mountainous area near the camp.

According to a U.S. law enforcement officer familiar with internal U.S. reporting on the raid, the items recovered by the Mexican military at the camp included 32 rifle grenades, four grenade launchers, 80 AR-15 assault rifles, 60 AK-47 assault rifles, one anti-tank launcher, 10,000 rounds of ammunition, 13,000 cartridge magazines, as well as body armor and two way radios. Although the rifle grenades and grenade launchers likely came from old military stocks in Guatemala or elsewhere in Central America, the official says, an initial inspection of the assault rifles’ markings suggests they all were purchased in the United States.
As a correspondent from Monterrey, Mexico, told us in reference to these images:
Higueras is a small town in Nuevo Leon, about 400 miles from Monterrey and 70 miles south of the Texas-Mexico border. As you all know there is a drug war going on between the two main cartels, with them fighting each other and the Mexican Army fighting both of them. The Higueras raid was one of the biggest seizures of firearms in recent years, including about 50,000 usable assault rifle cartridges and around 500 rifles, mostly AR-15s and AK-47s, as well as grenade launchers, hand grenades, uniforms, emblems, and four stolen trucks.

The war is bloody and heavy. The cartels don't have more than 1,000 guys, 2000 at the very most, but as they are armed LIKE THIS. It is a war that will cost many lives, but Mexican authorities don't want to admit this is a guerrilla-style war, and history has taught us how much it takes to bring down an enemy that hits hard and hides.
Despite what is stated in the text that accompanies these photographs, the pictured weapons were not seized anywhere near the Arizona border. The raid took place in Higueras, which is in the northeastern Mexican state of Nuevo León, a state that has no border in common with Arizona. Nuevo León is completely within the country of Mexico save for a 9-mile strip along its northern border adjacent to Texas, and Higueras is well south of that border, which puts the site of the raid several hundred miles southeast of the Arizona-Mexico border. Last updated:   18 August 2010

Just received an e-mail reporting that a huge arsenal was just located on the Arizona border along with many grenades, rocket launchers, hand guns, large SUVs full of weapons etc.

This seizure was five days ago. Located on the Arizona border!

Exactly where did you hear about it in OUR media ????? Thank God for the border patrol that this did not come over the border. There is one "graphic picture" but it tells the story Let's quit trying to decide who is violating our federal laws "to make a better life" — and ENFORCE the laws across the board on EVERYONE violating them - Nothing discriminatory about that amigos !!!!!!!

Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge

Origins:   These photographs showing a large cache of weapons confiscated in a wooded area are genuine, but they weren't taken anywhere near the Arizona border, and the U.S. Border Patrol had nothing to do with the discovery or seizure of the pictued weapons.

As indicated by the Spanish-language captions on some of these photos (and confirmed in a television news report and an article by the Mexican news agency Acencia Reforma), the pictures displayed above document a weapons cache which included more than rifles, grenades, grenade launchers, machine guns, rocket launchers, and hundreds of cartridges (as well as a dozen trucks containing "military and police accessories") that was seized by the Mexican army in
May 2010 during a raid on a makeshift camp used by a drug-smuggling crime ring in Higueras:

Newsweek reported that the captured weapons were part of a major training camp run by the notorious Zetas drug cartel, and that all of the weapons were believed to have been purchased in the United States:
The Mexican military has discovered a major training camp run by the notorious Zetas drug cartel and stocked with an arsenal of military weapons, including 140 semi automatic assault rifles and 10,000 rounds of ammunition — all of them believed to be purchased in the United States, U.S. law enforcement officials said.

Mexican officials have said the training camp was being run by Los Zetas, a ruthless paramilitary army of drug traffickers that was originally founded by renegade operatives of the Mexican special forces. The group is believed to have played a major part in the wave of violence that has killed 22,000 people since President Calderon declared war on the cartels in Dec. 2006. The arsenal was captured after the camp was invaded by Mexican Air Force helicopters and soldiers in land vehicles, sending about 50 Zeta operatives fleeing. Most of them, having been tipped off by the noise of the choppers, managed to escape into the mountainous area near the camp.

According to a U.S. law enforcement officer familiar with internal U.S. reporting on the raid, the items recovered by the Mexican military at the camp included 32 rifle grenades, four grenade launchers, 80 AR-15 assault rifles, 60 AK-47 assault rifles, one anti-tank launcher, 10,000 rounds of ammunition, 13,000 cartridge magazines, as well as body armor and two way radios. Although the rifle grenades and grenade launchers likely came from old military stocks in Guatemala or elsewhere in Central America, the official says, an initial inspection of the assault rifles’ markings suggests they all were purchased in the United States.
As a correspondent from Monterrey, Mexico, told us in reference to these images:
Higueras is a small town in Nuevo Leon, about 400 miles from Monterrey and 70 miles south of the Texas-Mexico border. As you all know there is a drug war going on between the two main cartels, with them fighting each other and the Mexican Army fighting both of them. The Higueras raid was one of the biggest seizures of firearms in recent years, including about 50,000 usable assault rifle cartridges and around 500 rifles, mostly AR-15s and AK-47s, as well as grenade launchers, hand grenades, uniforms, emblems, and four stolen trucks.

The war is bloody and heavy. The cartels don't have more than 1,000 guys, 2000 at the very most, but as they are armed LIKE THIS. It is a war that will cost many lives, but Mexican authorities don't want to admit this is a guerrilla-style war, and history has taught us how much it takes to bring down an enemy that hits hard and hides.
Despite what is stated in the text that accompanies these photographs, the pictured weapons were not seized anywhere near the Arizona border. The raid took place in Higueras, which is in the northeastern Mexican state of Nuevo León, a state that has no border in common with Arizona. Nuevo León is completely within the country of Mexico save for a 9-mile strip along its northern border adjacent to Texas, and Higueras is well south of that border, which puts the site of the raid several hundred miles southeast of the Arizona-Mexico border. Last updated:   18 August 2010
Read more at Biggy.This Little Scenario took place 40 miles inside Mexico right down from the Arizona Border.So, Corrupt, Filthy, Dirty Mexican Government.


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