Keepin it 100 percent.
I ain't gonna lie.
My Bad.
Many Apologizes Google.
Ya All are in no way censoring anything what so ever to do with this Insane Diatribe called my blog.
Stupid Fuckin Me.
Regarding Followers.
Da Swamp Buried Fathoms Deep.
I some how hid all my Beautiful Best Followers.
My Total Bad.
Just check it off as Old Man Sinking Further Into Senile Dementia.
Just ask my Daughter.
She a Follower.
My next venture into adding more color to this site.
I am diligently working on how to down load the hundreds of pictures on my various Androids.
Thang iz.
This particular computer has the actual CPU hidden.
Not to worry.
I'm on it.
Right now I am still trying to figure out how to access all of the comments that Ya All Humble this Old Man with.
Any day now.
Hold your breath.
Let me know how Ya All like the new graphic layout here in Da Swamp.
As well.
If anyone is in need of any kind of writing.
Be it Content for your Site.
Marketing Material.
Legal Briefs.
Let me know.
Simply send any and all writing job requests to;
Now. On To The World.
Holly Molly.
Dis Shit On Fire.
Maybe the world has been watching.
Maybe not.
Let me clue Ya All.
The United States of America has been at war now for the last 53 years.
I find this personally, Astounding.
A great Man.
General/President Dwight David Eisenhower in his farewell speech. 1961, specifically warned against the exact same course that this country, at all costs must avoid.
For if this country continued down the treacherous path of The American Industrial Military Complex, or as President Eisenhower so articulately referred to this Industry;
The America Industrial Military CONGRESS.
In simple Swamp Terminology.
The United States of Americas largest by far Business is Weapon Development and Sales.
Let me see if I got this.
We will arm the Moderate Extremists.
But not those Bad Bad Extremists.
We will then keep our fuckin fingers crossed.
As well, hope and pray that Russia and China do not actually join forces for the simple fact that within our greed entrenched souls through the game of War Mongering we have completely pissed off these two nations.
My feelings on this very of very most touchy subjects is a simple, Oh The Fuck No.
I render this opinion for the simple fact that my Nobel Peace Prize winning President has actually been more than instrumental in upping our war game.
Good Afternoon Mr. President.
Thank you for the read Sir.
Give my best to Reggie.
Is The President a bad man.
Absolutely not.
'Prez' is just following all His Predecessors.
He, has just off da wire upped the ante.
One might say, He Is On The Job.
22 Per Day.
That Number Represents Active Duty American Military Personell Who Commit Suicide Every Single Day In America.
70 Percent.
That Number Represents American Veterans Age 50 and Older Who Smoke Themselves Every Single Day In America.
I can tell Ya All Heeps Upon Heeps Regarding That Last Figure.
Like Dis.
Weapons Over Military Bootz On Da Ground in all realty makes the most sense.
This weapons theory is pure profit without any of the loses.
Those loses being the Extreme Cost of Reapairing and some how Gluing Back Together all those Bootz On Da Ground.
Look America.
Ya All ain't got not a word to say in any of this.
Scuse Me.
Had to switch computers.
Seemingly Government Hack Boyz At It Again.
Any Who.
America iz going to do what ever the hell the people who have the control and the money say.
Like Dis.
The Outstanding Public Debt as of 22 Sep 2014 at 10:53:54 PM GMT is:
so each citizen's share of this debt is $55,649.96.
The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
$2.34 billion per day since September 30, 2012!
Concerned? Then tell Congress and the White House!
Feel Me?
So Far?
America's Deficit is a head on collision just waiting to happen compared to China's Surplus, which is hovering close to 4 Trillion Dollars, U.S.
As well China's Surplus is in Actual Gold.
What China Will Really Do With Its $3 Trillion In Reserves ...
Can You Spell Bankruptcy?
The Biggest Government Lie in History? - Wall Street Daily ... Is Gold in Fort Knox - Moneynews consider Russia's Cash Surplus.
Surplus being the magic word.
Complete opposite of Deficit.
Russia runs budget surplus of 1.7% of GDP - MarketWatch Budget Surplus | Economy Watch › Europe Economy › Russia EconomOf course non of this surprises me.
The reason I am not surprised is for the resounding fact that in America Debt is the name of the game.
Acquiring and Maintaining that debt while somehow managing a decent enough FICA Score to actually keep adding to the personnel debt.
All caught up in the complete insanity of keeping par with The Jones.
So America.
Get use to the conflicts that keep the dollars rolling in so that this country can keep on a somewhat goal of paying it's debt in this whirling dervish of astronomical finance.
As for this lowly Author.
Cash and Silver Da Name of My Game.
At least as much as I can hide from Da Kidz Momz.
Ryan. Out.
From The Great Folks At;
Search Results
America's Pointless, Never-Ending War - B. Chellaney, Project Syndicate
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