Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Ryanindaswamp/Man In Da Street

"What Da F....."

"Ryannnnn! Damnnnnnn. Are you crazy"!!!????

"V, you just ripped my brains out along with my ears!!"

"Ryan what the hell are you doing"

"Daaa, I'm blogging".

"Ryan, your jumping around in the chair yelling;

"Yeah, and..."

"Your at the college Ryan".

"Oh shit, I'm coming here a long time. They know I'm crazy".

"Ryan, Baby, you gotta stop with 2Pac. You can't be singing this stuff in public".

"It's bad. I can't say it"?

"Ryan, it's real bad. And no, you can't say it".

Know that white boy and his girl, the Hoe that wants to get with me, in 16.
Yesterday white boy goes to the property owner and sayz Bobby and I wake him up in the morning.
Bobby's working. I'm jamming. Were talking.
So white boy goes whining to Robert. Blasey, Blasey On and on".

"See Ryan. I'm telling you".

So this morning I ear bud up. Hit 2Pac. I'm screaming;
Then I go to the office. Roberts wife is there. She so sweet. I tell her I'm guilty for all the gettin loud. Then I disengage Mr. ear buds. 2Pac pounding. She smile so big. See we all 'SoCal'. Plus dey Cartel. So in other words fuck dat white boy and his Hoe".

"Oh... O.K. That's the girl that wants to get with you. Or should I say just another one that wants to get with you. That is your problem Ryan. You need to get laid Boy".

" Hell wit dat".

"Ryan? How long has it been". 
Well... Abigail was the last. I told her that".

"Ryan... That was 2008. Ryan. For sure you need to get laid"

"Nope. Not happening. Ya All crazy".

"Your gone Baby. You still love the Kidz Mom".

"She's the only woman I've ever loved. That I ever will love. Except for you. But we are Brothers and Sisters"

"Oh Ryan. What about that hot girl next door with the cute little dog. You really liked her Ryan".

"Hell Yeah. 
She Gorgeous. 
Phew. West Coast Beautiful.
Built. She a Brick House. Plus she is so intelligent. Very powerful. Very strong. Therein lies the problem. She yelled at me twice. Scared me. Next thing I know she'll stab me like Abigail did. I don't know what I do to these Broads"

"That's the problem Ryan. You don't do Anything. You don't say anything. Women do not know where they stand with you".

"I really liked her. The last time she yelled at me we just came out of the smoke shop. Girl went off. It was like 22:30 or so. I said fuck this. I left, walked home. Next thing I know I hear Ryan, Ryan. I keep walkin. Hit the crib, close the door. She start knocking I open the door. She all sweet. Ryan, Ryan, I love you. I love you. I loved her too. But that was the second time she yelled at me. Thats it"

"Just like that Ryan. Thats it"?

"Yep. Thats it".

"Ryan. You need to get laid. Call an escort. Hit the white girl in 16".

"On both counts Mr. Big would fall off. I ain't contracting any STD's over pussy".

"Ryan! You can't say that""

"I can't say it. It's bad. What I say"?

"You said pussy. Yesterday you wrote multiple times that certain politicians are faggots. You can't say that either".

"It's bad. I can't say it. But after I stated that certain politicians are faggots. I wrote sorry faggots".

"Tehh. Ryan...".

"What V. You really Moms, right"?

"Does your Hooker still come around".

"Oh Yeah. Drops in every now and then. Early a.m. Coffee, Meal, Shower"

"She still walk around in nothing but ankle straps".

"Oh Yeah".

"Well... There you go".

"V. First off, she is like a daughter. 
Because I am not trying to get anything from her she trusts me. 
Sayz I'm soooo, sweet". 

"Oh My God Ryan. Why can't you just be like other men your age"?

"Now you do sound like my Mom. Ryan, why can't you just be like other Kidz?"

"Ryan. You poor man. Your not driving the cab any more"?

"Yeah. Just at nite to about 5a.m. No traffic".

"No customers either".

"Fuck that. I have regulars. Dancers and Business Men".

"What kind of Businessmen at 3 a.m.".

"One Dude. Banked Out Sky High. I have Rolex's, seen the Gold encrusted, jewels. This Dude Showing.
1.5 inches Gold, Diamonds, Emeralds Clustered around the watch face. A gold chain down to his belly with Big, Fat Platinum and Gold letters spelling 'BIG DADDY'.
Cat gets in the cab throws a fifty at me.Then pays full fare. Not complaining. Plus I have two other Business Men. They take up most off the rest of my work day. Then a few Hookers here and there.

 Ryan's Taxi Clientele/Yeah Dey Exclusive/Bidness Men

"Killing birds with stones. Solves your sleeping dis-order. Now your up all night and banking stacks($)".

"Right. No nite terrors. No claustrophobia"

"What about trucking"?

"Too much. You know all the D.O.T. regulation. Even though most runs are equipped with electronic logs, it's just all too much. And honestly, probably an age issue, I'm forgetful.
Every now and then I get a local, in state. A run to Yuma, Nogales, Phoenix".

"O.K. Sounds good. But really Ryan you seriously need some loving. No shot with the Girl next store".

"At this point it's up to her".

"You looking sharp and beautiful Girl. Where you going"?

"Remember I told you about that guy, he owns that big Precious Metals place and a Cannabis store. Has all that cash and precious metals. He contacted me to build him a security system. I'm going there today to sign the contract, other paper work".


"You gonna be here a while. I'll stop back later".

"I don't know".

"What are you blogging about today"?

"As usual I haven't a clue. For sure though I'm gonna hit on that, whats it's name, oh yeah. Uhmm, Justine Gotta A Beaver, something like dat".

"Old-man. You are loosing it. His name is n..."

"It's a him"?

"You trippin Old-man. Yes, it is a he. His name is Justin Beaver".

"Oh. At any rate, Fuck Dis Bitch. Sorry Bitches.

"Ryan. Ryan. Ryan. If I don't see you. Love you crazy man".

"See Ya V".

What up America and Da World.

Yo Europe. 

Many apologies. 
Ya All don't stink. 
Ya All Awight. 
My bad yesterday. 
Especially Britain. 
My European experience was many decades ago. As well I was America military, so.... The times and all.
Ya All heard Veronica. I'm losing my mind. 

So any how.
What Up Wid Dis  
Justine Got A Beaver.

Yo Bitch.

First off  Ms. Got A Beaver.
You A Kanoock.
Your entire country is Gay.
So My Little Man/Girl.
Being all to familiar with things going up north in your life.
Take a fuckin hike. 
Get the fuck out of my country.
Go back home. 
Smoke Crack.
Blow The Mayor of Toronto.

Then. Go fuck yourself.
And have a nice day. 

Louis Lerner   /   Former Head of The IRS

Yo. Bitch.
Welcome To Da Swamp.
Lucky Fuckin You.

America. Really.

This Lying Tramp. 
A Government Employee. 
Perpetrating Dirt on every level. 
Targeting Americans for... being Americans.

Like Dis, Lying Mafia Hoe.
Sam Mo Mo Giancana is puking in his grave all over his Girl, Phylis McGuire.

Even he is embarrassed that a government official is pleading the Mafia Saving Grace,
The 5th Amendment.
As well I am embarrassed. 
This Bitch is being coached by non other than The United States
of America' Justice Department.
Why am I not surprise?

Like Dis Bitch.
On the ground.
On your stomach. 
Hands behind your back.
Into the Suburban. 
To the secluded air field.
On the plane.
Hit the way back machine to Mao's China. 
You like Mao so fuckin much.
Room number 7. 
Hoe Tramp.

Lying Stealing Mafia Bitch Lois Lerner Ready For Room Number 7.

See Ya Hoe.

For news, here in Da Swamp I would say that my favorite news source is;

As far as I am concerned some of the best news resource on this planet.
The antithesis of The American Bought and Sold. 
In other words. 
The Truth.

Now. On To The World. 

Flight MH370 replied "All right, roger that" to a radio message from Malaysian air control, authorities said. 

That was the last message received from Malaysia Airlines Flight MH70.
In fact at this point The Chinese Military firmly believe that all information is so very spotty and confused that there is no way to even analyze the leads they have.

At one point Malaysia Air Force Chief Rodzali  Daud denied that he actually stated that the flight was tracked by military radar to the Malacca Strait, far west of its planned route.  

A real I said it but I didn't. 
Usually in cases such as these Rank gets caught up in the moment, than runs with the biggest positive, hoping upon hope that all is good to go.

From my seat In Da Street, Air Force chief just might be on to something.
If this is in fact the case, any further pursuit of that information regarding the 
media is at best back burner stew for obvious reasons.

Let me state the obvious.

If in fact the flight was accurately tracked by military radar, for the money, the best radar available over commercial. 
The conclusion is that the aircraft, as well as the passengers are A.O.K. as far as still alive.
At least for now.
As far as I am Concerned this aircraft and passengers are some where on this planet.
The bad news is that very bad people have apprehended this plane.
Which means that what is actually happening transcends any search and rescue.

That in fact criminal activity is the lizard in the gutter. 
Passengers would most defiantly be at risk. 
I only hope and pray that this terror in the air does not turn into an evil/wicked terrorist plot.

For sure this mystery is not only a wait and see, but at this point one big fuckin hush hush.
Powers that be will let the bought and sold go on and on with their Blasey, Blasey.

Also what must be considered is that Malaysia Airlines has taken great offense to a claim made against First Officer, Fariq Ab Hamid, who was the co-pilot of the missing flight.

Seemingly First Officer is accused of a big, giant, fat, no, no regarding protocol pretty much prevalent through out the Airline Industry. No passengers in the cockpit during flight.
Passengers want a cockpit tour these are always pre-flight arrangements. 

According to one source regarding this alleged breach of protocol, Malaysia Airlines conducted a full fledged, intense investigation concluding that First Office was innocent of all charges.

As well factor into this bazaar equation what neighborhood this is all taken place in.
A part of the world I am very familiar with.
Lawless would be an astronomical upgrade. 
As far as this Man In Da Street is concerned, in Malaysia, 
The Good, Are Bad.
Work your way up from there.



There Ya have it America.

Venezuela Is Blowing Up.
Peep's In Da Street.
Students tired of Oppressive Governments that in this day and age make absolutely no sense what so ever.
The Young, Educated People get it.
Seemingly the rest of the world population, Old, Control Freaks that not only haven't a clue.
They can't spell the damn word.

Looks Like Kidz in my Hood.
So far a total of 20 people have been 'Smoked'.
Numbers are expected to increase dramatically as this situation
is just about to reach detonation point.
People are more than willing to die. the tally is in.
Around the Planet people are screaming;
The shouts are directed at Communism, Oppressive to the very core on every level.
Yet in America the Numnut, Imbecile, Moronic, Idiot Citizens Embrace the smothering of a CRIMINAL COMMUNIST MURDERING Government.

Look America.
Any American Citizen that sayz that this government is O.K., no problems, everything is Awight has serious personality flaws that will never have a chance of change.

I leave poor people out of that equation for the simple fact that it is the poor people that finally have experienced regularity regarding eating on a daily basis.
Health Care on a simple level. But health care non the less.
Going without eating is the absolute most denigrating experience any human can go through.
I know. First hand. Close up and Personal.

Young People have had enough in these countries where Tyrants, Pimps, Whores and Thieves freely roam the halls of government.

This youth has witnessed daily misery regarding their Senior elders.
Kidz Mom, from Argentina. I thought growing up in The American Hood was bad.
On a comparative level, my Hood upbringing was a neighborhood on the Monterrey Peninsula, California.

The point is that experiencing this realty, seeing Grandparents, a complete life of suffering. Literally working themselves to death.

Recently Meghan Kelly, Fox News, interviewed a very intelligent, young professional man.
Young Dude clearly stated that he is pissed off that The America he is inheriting is a shithole.
A shithole that the majority of his not yet earned income is going to have to pay for.

John Stossell the other day had a similar interview.
Yo, John. You are a great man. Really Dude. 67. Looking great Man. As well great at what you do.
But in John's interview as well the young man clearly stated that basically what he is inheriting is a shithole.

Where does this leave America?

Like every where else, where seemingly the young have a distinct grip on the situation. They see the world as one. As an environment that is to be nurtured along with an attitude void of power and aggression.
A paradigm change a long time in coming.

The power crazed terrorists that now control this country and the world are in for a big giant fuckin shock.

Thank God.

Have A Great Rest Of The Week America And The World.

Remember, Hit Up That Just One Little Drop Of Kindness.

Cast It Out Into The Universe.

You'll Be Glad Ya Did.

The World Is Counting On You.


Ryan. Out.





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