Thursday, April 17, 2014

Ryanindaswamp / Man In Da Street

In All Fairness Thursday

Regarding Cliven Bundy and the Clark County, Nevada Cluster Fuck.

I have been a business man since the age of 11 years old.
A very kind wise man, Mr. Levin, tiny, old Jewish man extended me the opportunity to work for him at his giant, around an entire corner news stand in South Central.

After awhile, myself into an early puberty, I became familiar, very familiar with the Naked Girly Mags. 
As well so did my classmates. 
I would sell one page of naked girls for 25 cents. 
If the page was double, naked girlz on both sides, that was a 50 cent sale.

For me to conduct business it was necessary for me to pay Mr. Levin for my product. 
Mr Levin being a very kind man sold me the mags at wholesale.
In other words I paid to play.

Mr. Bundy this nitemare that you have involved yourself in with the United States Federal government is long over due regarding resolve.

Cliven you are in the cattle business. 
Cattle need to eat. 
Graze as it were so you are able to bring your cattle to market for sale.

A major part of this equation is that your business requires you to pay for the necessary food sources responsible in the process of sustenance for your product. 
Your cattle.

Your business Mr. Bundy, just as with any other business requires pay to play. 
Doesn't matter how you slice that pie.
Regardless of what type of business one is engaged in, there is kick up required. 
You need to be kicking up Denaro to someone for the food your cattle requires.

Your mind set brings a question to my mind. 
Because you are saving on cattle feed, do I now receive a discount on Bundy meat at the store?

Regarding your situation I can only conclude as my Mother used to say;

"There is this side. There is that side. Then there is the truth.

I can only conclude Mr. Bundy that for this humble Author. 
I would tuck my tail between my legs. 
Walk into BLM, uniformed in my most humble persona, sit down and work this cluster fuck out.
Bring the Feds some of those great Bundy Steaks.

See Mr. Bundy.
Win Without Fighting.
Choose Your Battles.
Only Battles That You Know That You Can Win.
Thank You Master SunTzu/'The Art Of War'.

Because for sure, without a doubt Mr. Bundy you can not win this battle.
The Feds are not playin. 

You have pissed these folks off in a cyclopean way. 

As well Sir, these already escalated sky high tensions are going to end in tragedy. 
Never worth it. 

My mantra.
If disaster can be avoided, avoid disaster at all costs.

Do the right thing Mr. Bundy before an earth shaking experience takes place.
One that will never, ever reverse it's ugly occurrence and life presence.

For Sure Harry Reid is a walking sack of sewer crap on every level.
Unfortunately there is nothing you can do to change this Satan possessed piece of after birth.

Dirt on Dirty Harry Reid


For more simply Google; Dirt On Senator Harry Reid

Harry Reid Gives the Finger


When I access this site after I complete a blog I am sometimes surprised, actually shocked at times regarding what I wrote.
Never do I ever think of any apology or retractions.
Except in one case.
This case being just yesterday when I refereed to Muslim people in the image outlining camels and rag heads.

I sincerely, from my heart, apologize for those complete low minded, racist comments.

I have Muslim friends. 

One of my very close, best friends is a Muslim. 
A very brilliant young-man. 
Former Pakistani Army Officer, as well ISA Information Officer.

We hung out quite extensively winter before last. 
One morning we met in a local park here for coffee. 
As I walked up to where Brian was situated in the park he was facing east, laying out his prayer rug. 
As I grew closer a Big Fat White Trash Ass Hole approached Brian just as I arrived on scene.

The Fat White Boy Trash stood in front of Brian and started a tirade that Brian's method of praying was not allowed and that he would have to leave the park.
I immediately interjected myself in front of this idiot and more or less in a very calm, convincing voice, sedately explained to White Trash Hater that he needed to make a real fuckin quick lickety departure.
Which he wisely did.

Then later on, Brian and I attended a Christmas Function.
Brian was seated at a table directly to my right.
I was at the very left corner of my table. 
Across from me was an attractive Blonde Lady, blue eyed, nicely dressed.
Next to her was a Jewish lady. 
To the Jewish ladies left was another Jewish lady than a lady to my right.

Brian was having a blast. 
He had his entire table rolling.

Salads were served.

As I dug into the green, Blondie country girl looked at me.
The wind up. Pitch on the way.

"Fuck all Muslims. 
They must be Killed. 
Eviscerate these Animal's and cut out there entrails and hang them...."

This verbal Kat 9 Florida Hurricane of hateful tirade lasted for... way the fuck too long.

To say I was in complete shock would be a monumental upgrade.
Even though my mouth was closed, I was totally Agape.
When this devil child finished her loud Muslim hate, I just stared, somewhat in fright.
All I could muster in reply was;
"You are very Passionate young lady". 
Needless to say I lost my appetite.

For myself you walking with the Lord, how ever you get with theLord is of no concern whatever to me.
You gettin with the Lord.

That said, The Muslim religion and The Jewish religion run very parallel. 
The Israeli know this. 
Jew, Muslim live side by side in Israel.
Meal together. Kidz play together. On and on.

The Quran  on 88 occasions mentions my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in Praise.

A very nice young man who runs one of the smoke shops here in town. 
This young man is from Iran.
Iranian people are some of the most educated people on this planet. 
As well, very nice people, at least this has been my experience.

Young man explained to me one day while at his store purchasing tobacco that it is his government that turns passages in the Quran into hate of, well everyone.

He explained that a passage that refers to killing all that does not praise and love Alla.
Not true as the young man pointed out to me. 
What The Quran actually states is that any and all that do not praise God, who instead slanders and demeans God shall die.
Just Like The Bible.
Just Like The Torah.

Like the Jews, Muslims believe in going straight to the Lord. 
Not through another like the Christians or worshiping false idols as in Hindu and Buddhist religion.

A big to each their own.

So to all my Muslim Brothers and Sister's a complete My Bad.
I'm so very sorry for my hostile words regarding Ya All's Godly beliefs.

Regarding this blog.
I'm literally tired of penning this insanity.

Yet, seemingly every day I am sucked into the vortex of  aberration and lunacy that lights my jets propelling me into this chair to sit here and type away.

The truth is if I did not give into this bad habit I would be banking bukoo regarding all of the stack($) piling avenues that I have set up now in the last 4 years. 
Easily a hundred a day in less than 4 hours.

Yet every morning while lying back in bed, in a meditative state, sipping my first cup of dark, dark roast with a tea bag of multi berry green tea.
Once that first cup is empty, I slide out the rack and take position at the kitchen table, set with my second begin the day cup of dark dark roast. 
I like Bustello. 

I Grab the clicker and engage the tube. 
Click on the newz. 
Fox Newz.

It is at that point that I am truly dun for. 
Caught directly in the halogens of the bought and sold.
I am now hooked into the disaster that is beginning it's ardent assent.

This morning Fox Newz featured one of their polls.
How many Americans disapprove of the presidents performance. 

Mainly his lying ways.

37% of Americas do not trust the president.

Shockingly Very Sad and Pathetic numbers.

If all that was not enough. 

The majority of Republicans would choose Chris Christy, The Lying, Cheating, New Jersey Wanna Be Mafia Fat Man. 
Or as I refer to Mr. Christy. Fat Prick.

Republicans, not even G.O.D. can help Ya All. 
As well you are going to loose the next presidential election unless Ya All finally hear the POP.
That distinct sound you will witness when your heads finally exit your rectal cavity. 

Ya All Pathetic.
I have given up all hope on you morons.

One would think that after getting your ass and genitalia handed to you after the last two presidential races you would finally have had some type of epiphany.
No such luck. 
Again Ya All Gonna let this country down.

What this blog is all about is waking you, Americans, the fuck up. 
I now see this is not only a lost mission, but as well without any hope.

I present fact upon fact on this site that I firmly believe are frightening regarding politicians, this government and the criminals that run this country.

I present these facts so you, the American people will actually be in a position to initiate the sound of the POP. 

Ain't happening. 
Never will. 

Ya All Hopeless beyond any help. 
As well American people you are literally hated in just about every other country on this planet.

Another acquaintance of mine. 
A young India man. 
His family owns a motel here in town.
Him and I were talking the other afternoon about America and the citizens that inhabit this far flung country.

My advance was that Americans are totally clueless regarding freedom. 
That even in this young mans country of family origin freedom has been fought for over many generations. 
This occurrence is of course related in many other countries where citizens had to fight and die for freedom while in America the citizens just give freedom away to criminal elements that control this country.
Clueless as can be.

At the Vietnamese grocery store the other day I'm talking with one of the owners who was checking me out at the register. 
No Obese, Really, Really Fat Folk here. 
Yeah. I speak Vietnamese.

We started discussing fat America. 

At the end of the conversation I commented to the lady that 67% of Americans, the Obese and Really, Really Fat in certain countries are nothing more than walking happy meals. 
That this disgusting 67% would feed tribes in these worlds for generations. 
She Laughed and agreed.
That fact is for real America.

Myself and my military Brothers and Sisters ask ourselves daily why the hell did we put our life on the line for these morons, the American public.

That is what this site is all about. 
The pharaonic ignorance of the American people. 
Not the political thugs that fuck Ya All over and through on a daily basis.

What this government does or does not do effects me in no way what so ever. 
Never has. 

I have never voted in  my life. 
I came to this conclusion at 15 years old. 
I realized way back then no matter how I sliced the pie the ongoing parade of corruption was never ending and would never change.

In 2008 regarding Obama. 
That would have been my first vote cast. 
Then upon my surmise of research I concluded that based on who this man really is, his close friends and associates I would not be voting for him. 
As always The Republicans gave me zero options.

And the Republicans, again, are going to loose another presidential election based on this parties ridiculous choice of candidate.

Senator Paul.
Seperate yourself from the Idiots that inhabitit The Grand Old Off The Cliff Party.
Because surely these idiots do not give two shits or three fast flying fucks regarding you Sir.

Licho Escamilla.

Mr. Escamilla is on death row in Texas for killing an off duty Dallas Patrol Officer who's only crime that day was showing up at his second job as a security watchman at a local Dallas club.

Patrol Officer Christopher James was dressed in his Dallas Police Uniform.

Patrol Officer Christopher James, working security at this Dallas club was shot and killed while performing his duty by Felon Licho Escamilla.

Now Mr. Escamilla is screaming that he does not want to die.

That Patrol Officer Christopher James death is not Licho' fault due to some obscure, alleged fact that he had a ruff childhood and his defense at the time did not bring up this alleged fact.

Most likely this fact was not brought up at the initial hearing due to the fact that back then this argument was baseless. 
As in a real court of law, in a real country this argument is baseless today.

As well I know Many, upon Many people, successful people who have endured nitemare childhoods. 
Yet these folks never committed a crime in their lives. 
Much less shooting a a Patrol Officer.

Just as this Hokey Smoke defense is baseless today it was baseless yesterday. 
Back then Mr. Escamilla chose The Thug Life.

Lets say Mr. Escamilla you had chosen to become a doctor. 
Your profession would require that at some point you are going to get blood on your hands.

Lets say Mr. Cop Killer that you Chose the plumbing profession. 
You at some point Sir are getting crap on your hands.

You complete Looser Chose Da Gangsta Life. 
At some point you gettin locked up.
You there Cop Killing Ass Hole.

You do not want to die.
Neither did Patrol Officer Christopher James.

Swamp Legal Decision.

Fuck You Mr. Escamilla.

Now. On To The World.

The game of World Domination.

Putin has more than proven that He and Russia are escalating up that ladder at break neck speed.
But to really understand this game one needs to look at the big picture.
The players as it were.

The U.S.A.

Russia is not looking nor turning back.
Cash rich from oil and gas exploration and export of said goods.

Cash rich from immense manufacturing of... everything.

The U.S.A.
Cash poor.
In Debt.
Below the broke the line.
Zero Industry.
70% of the American economy is fueled by consumer spending that is just not there due to the arcane and irresponsible government that controls this once great, now broken on every level country.

Myself, having very much knowledge and experience regarding Asia, S.E. Asia and Asian People in general.

Asian people are just about the hardest working, focused people I have ever encountered. 
Mission forward mutable mach.

In fact regarding South Vietnam and Vietnam in general.

First off The Vietnamese people have never been defeated in war raged on their country starting way back in the 13th century when China invaded Vietnam.

Out numbered 200 to 1 regarding man power and weapons the Vietnamese sent the Chinese packing and crying.

Hence The Tet. 
This is The Vietnamese New Years. 
This celebration is based solely on the defeat of the Chinese in the 13th century.

Now add into the fracas and frey up to our involvement in war with the Vietnamese that Japan, Britain, China again and The French over and over brought war down on the Vietnamese, no one has ever defeated the Vietnamese.
The Vietnamese are just very small in physical stature farmers. 

The point is that today Vietnam is a very prosperous nation involved in many different business enterprises.
In fact in the next few years, like South Korea, Vietnam will be exporting automobiles into the United States.

So in this game of World Domination I see Asia and S.E. Asia, cash rich and solid sitting back in the wings doing what Asian people do. Observing.

Than when China see's that the timing is right they will hand the U.S. there bloated Black American Express Card Bill. 
Due Right Now. 
Of course at this point America is fucked. 
We will all be ordering our fry's and cokes at Mickey D's drive through in Mandarin.

Then China takes over the world.

See America. 
For sure China, I know this to be true, as well the following is the norm regarding all of Asia and it's peoples.
Their perception of Americans are as stupid fat and happy daults. 
Almost hate.

What does all this mean America?
I don't know. You tell me.

One thing for sure here are some of my favorite t.v. shows.

Counting Cars. 
I spent many years of my life actually living the business that is highlighted in this excellent production. Car's has been a lifetime passion of mine. They still are.

Pawn Stars.

Great movie.
Great t.v. adaptation.

Kieth Oberman

Last night I tuned in the F.M. dial to a very cool dude.
I at one time communicated frequently with this great man.
Mark Levin.

Yo. Dude.
I listened last night for 30 minutes. 
You killed me man. 
I hadn't a clue what you were talking about.

I was actually catapulted through time warp back to Mr. Polinskies Political Science Class room.
No disrespect Dude.
I hung as long as I could. 
Still love Ya Man.

The heat is approaching through the roof temps here in the desert.

I'm goin through boxes of Walgreen Dulce Duro. Rico Cremosa Nips like Agamemnon is just around the corner.

One would think that consuming 4 to 5 boxes a day of this sugar death would have catapulted me by now into deep, never coming back sugar shock.

Yet I can not add nor keep on a pound. 
In fact I am shedding lbs. faster than strippers casting off garments down at Curves.

Sorry Doctor Z. I'm trying Dude.

Oh yeah World.
Don't forget to click Da Bitch.
Hit those ad's.

To propel this Author completely off the chair.
Surprise me.
Send me a comment.

Don't worry.
Ain't Holding My Breath.

To who ever Marco Polo is that actually did send me a comment today, the wording was all html script.
Sorry Dude. 
That is why I could not, nor did I reply to your comment.

Ryan. Out. 

Did Ya Know In The Hebrew Language there is no word for these english words;

I thought the following article was interesting.
Let me know what Ya All think.

Hebrew for;
'It Should Only Be'.

Why Obama Can't Explain Himself

By Robert Kaplan
Secretary of State John Kerry evidently runs a tight ship, given the paucity of leaks that emerge from his office. So we know he is organized and disciplined. He is also an energetic risk-taker, jumping into high-wire negotiations with Iran, and forcing the Israelis and Palestinians to the negotiating table -- enterprises that could likely end in failure and ruin his reputation. This is a man with character. By contrast, his predecessor at State, Hillary Clinton, appeared to take few risks and has been accused of using the position of secretary of state merely to burnish her resume in preparation for a presidential run.
But there is one thing that Kerry has not been good at: explaining what he is doing and why to the public. How do these high-wire negotiations fit into a larger strategic plan? What do the Iran talks have to do with those between Israel and Palestine? What is the relationship between the two sets of Middle East negotiations and American strategy in Asia and Europe? The Obama administration has provided the public with little insight on any of these matters.
Why can't the administration explain better what it is doing? I believe the reason is that the administration cannot own up to the philosophical implications of the very policy direction it has chosen. It is as though top officials are embarrassed by their own choices.
The administration has refused to intervene in Syria in a pivotal way, and it has very awkwardly still not managed to make its peace with Egypt's new military dictatorship -- though it does not oppose the new regime in Cairo outright. But it is embarrassed that it has done these things. The Obama team wants to pursue a foreign policy of liberal internationalism, in the tradition of previous Democratic administrations. It wants to topple a murderous dictatorship in Syria. It wants democracy in Egypt. But instead, it finds itself pursuing a foreign policy of conservative realism, in the tradition of previous Republican administrations, like those of Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon and George H.W. Bush. It is doing so because realism is about dealing with the facts as they exist on the ground with the goal of preserving American power, whereas liberal internationalism is about taking risks with the facts on the ground in order to seek a better world.
President Barack Obama and Secretary Kerry are afraid that if they intervene militarily in Syria they will help bring to power a jihadist-trending regime there -- or conversely, Syria will disintegrate into even worse anarchy, with echoes of Afghanistan in the 1990s. So they do little. Obama and Kerry must know that the choice in Egypt is not simply between dictatorship and democracy, but between military authoritarianism that can be indirectly helpful to Western interests and an Islamist regime that would be hostile to Western interests. So they quietly, albeit angrily, accept the new order in Cairo. The administration knows that if it wants to pivot toward the Pacific, it must also attempt to put America's diplomatic house in order in the Middle East: thus, it seeks a rapprochement with Iran and a deal between the Israelis and Palestinians.
All of this is reasonable, if uninspiring. But the Obama team has been relatively tongue-tied because it cannot admit to being a liberal Democratic administration pursuing a moderate Republican foreign policy. It is a shame because publicly explaining some of these actions should be relatively easy. In regards to Egypt, all the administration needs to say is, We support democracy where we can and stability where we must. In regards to Syria, it can warn about the unpredictable dangers that come with serious military intervention. It can explain Iran and Israel-Palestine in terms of America's larger goals in the Middle East and Asia. The more peace there is in the Middle East, the more that America can concentrate on Asia -- the geographic center of the world economy.
Though Hillary Clinton was risk averse, unlike Kerry, she did explain what she was doing. Her "pivot" to Asia may have been sniped at by some experts and pundits. But it was a strategic conception that was somewhat original, and she did, in fact, explain it better than Kerry has explained anything. In fact, she authored a long essay about the Asia pivot in the magazine Foreign Policy. That was rare, since original ideas ordinarily do not come out of government.
Obama has good realistic instincts, but thus far he doesn't have a strategy that he has been able to explain to the public. And without a strategy he loses influence, since power in the media age is not only about deeds and capabilities, but about what you rhetorically stand for. Ronald Reagan was a powerful president in significant part because of his soaring rhetoric. (After Russian President Vladimir Putin annexed Crimea, Reagan would have flown to Poland or the Baltic states and declared, "Mr. Putin, I am standing on hallowed NATO ground!") George W. Bush was a weaker president than he might have been because he was perceived to be inarticulate. Obama is a fine speaker, but he has explained little in the foreign policy realm, and even when he does so he appears to lack passion, as if he is merely reading his lines. This makes his foreign policy weaker, regardless of the inherent strengths of it. And it makes his opponents overseas have less respect for him.
Once again, in a media age, presentation and branding can be 50 percent of everything -- especially if one is on the world stage. If this were not the case, political leaders in both democracies and dictatorships would never give speeches, but would confine their activities strictly to behind-the-scenes meetings.
Obama certainly has material with which to work. Just look at the world today. China and Russia, with all of their problems and limitations, have emerged as major geopolitical rivals of the United States in their respective regions. The Middle East is fundamentally more unstable than it has been in decades, with several state collapses having provided fertile breeding grounds for the most extremist groups. Of course, the United States cannot dominate the world. It cannot kick China out of Asia and Russia out of Europe. And it cannot fix societies like Syria and Libya. But it can intelligently maneuver, affecting power balances everywhere more often than not to its advantage. And one of the ways it can do this is by -- to repeat -- supporting democracy where we can and stability where we must. It can also do this by preserving a measure of global stability through air and sea deployments in the Pacific and Indian oceans. The United States can be the organizing principle for working with Europe against a revanchist Russia. All of these parts fit together. This and much more can be explained to the American people. And doing so would certainly enhance U.S. power, making it less likely to be tested in the first place.
Robert D. Kaplan is Chief Geopolitical Analyst at Stratfor, a geopolitical intelligence firm, and author of Asia's Cauldron: The South China Sea and the End of a Stable Pacific. Reprinted with the permission of Stratfor.

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